
I'm Mihir.

I am a Software Engineer based in India, passionate about building excellent software that improves the lives of those around me.

ExpertiseTools & Technologies
"Expertise – Because I Said So."(We're all just making it up as we go, right?)

FullStack Development
Building seamless user experiences backed by powerful backend systems.
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Cloud & DevOps Integration
Pioneering efficient cloud solutions and robust system architectures.
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Data Insights & Analysis
Enhancing decisions with advanced analytics and comprehensive reporting.
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Detailed work experience

Blog Posts & Projects

Cover Image for Information Extraction using Convolutional Neural Network

Information Extraction using Convolutional Neural Network

Text summarization is a technique of briefing a large text document by extracting its significant information. Extractive text summarization involves direct extraction of sentences from the original document to form a summarized document. The considered task had been an intriguing one for a long time and thus many approaches had been proposed for the same. This paper proposes information extraction from a large text document using a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN).

Mihir Shrivastava
Mihir Shrivastava
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